he had the sun at his back, which gave him a decided advantage over the enemy 意味
- 太陽を背にしていたので相手より決定的に有利になった
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- had HAD {略-1} : hemadsorption (赤)血球吸着(現象)
- sun 1sun n. 太陽; 日光, ひなた. 【動詞+】 Clouds blocked (out) the sun. 雲が太陽をさえぎった
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- which which 何の どの 孰 孰れ 何れ いずれ
- gave gave [ɡéiv] 【動】 giveの過去形.
- him HIM {略} : health information management 医療情報管理{いりょう じょうほう かんり}
- decided decided 既決 きけつ
- advantage advantage n. 有利; 利益, 便益. 【動詞+】 Would joining the association bring any
- over over adv., prep. 超えて, 終わって; 一面に, 全体に. 【副詞】 It weighs a little over four
- enemy enemy n. 敵, 敵軍. 【動詞+】 ambush the enemy 敵を待ち伏せする Our forces have
- the sun the sun 天道 てんとう てんどう 御日様 お日様 おひさま 日輪 にちりん 天道様 てんとうさま 天日 てんじつ てんぴ
- decided advantage 明らかに有利な点
- at a decided advantage 《be ~》当然有利な地位にいる
- decided advantage 明らかに有利な点
- "he had the probity to refuse any payment for his political support" 意味
- "he had the sad experience of losing both his wife and daughter at the same time" 意味
- "he had the same question in his mind" 意味